
Monday, September 17, 2012

Not much to say on this one but here goes.  Attended a Metal and Glass Symposium and somebody was teaching a class on how to make arrow heads.  I've done enough blacksmithing in the past, but never really tried this sort of project.  I've seen it done, but never had my hand in on the project.  Was really fun to try and I'd like to give it a little more time at my home forge.  The class was rather slow moving since there were about 8 people all working off one small charcoal forge.  Only one anvil to work with and the instructor was trying to keep everyone on the same pace.  Now that I've done it once I think I should be able to whip these out rather quickly.  

This one didn't match any period example.  In fact, the instructor didn't have an example to copy either.  He was making a piece and we simply copied his steps.  In hind sight I think I would have liked seeing some extant examples on display to try and copy.  I think this point is a bit long, but seems well balanced.

The opening didn't match up as much as I would have liked.  Wanted to go in for another heat and clean it up, but he was behind schedule and sort of pushed things along.  Oh well, I've learned the steps and hopefully will do this again soon.