
Sunday, January 22, 2012

Class: Period Pins and Needles

Well, it is now official.  I will be teaching my first SCA class.  I have signed up to do it once before but had to back out at the last minute due to "real life" issue getting in the way.  I plan on teaching my first class this coming weekend at the Festival of Maidens.  Here is the post from the event website:

11:00 Pins and Needles:

Study and construction of period pins and needles. Overview of the extant examples and the construction of period pins and needles as well as hands on practice creating a period item. Limit 6 for hands-on participation (sign up at troll); no limit for observers. Participants must me 18 or attend with a supervising adult. In lieu of a fee for handouts and materials, the instructor asks only for small token. The contributor of the most interesting token will receive a “prize” and the appreciation of the instructor. Lord Ercc Glaison